Artem Lyashanov
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Anyone who has ever shopped online has gone through the process of paying for goods. To ensure that the money from your card reaches the seller’s account, a payment system is required.

Любой, кто хотя бы раз пользовался услугами интернет-магазинов, сталкивался с необходимостью оплаты товаров.

A financial company has become embroiled in a scandal amid suspicions of laundering money for the gambling industry. LLC "Tech-Soft Atlas" (brand name "bill_line") and its actual manager, Artem Lyashanov, are seeking through the courts to compel an online publication to remove materials that expose the company’s financial dealings and its founder.

Финтех-компания обвиняется в причастности к отмыванию денег игровой мафии.

Финтех-компания обвиняется в причастности к отмыванию денег игровой мафии.

The CEO of the payment system Bill_line and the actual owner of LLC “Tech-Soft Atlas” (until October 2021, LLC "Bill Line") Belarusian Lyashanov Artem and his company are involved in a criminal investigation regarding money laundering using several payment systems and banks.
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